Ministry of Economy and Finance / Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (ADII)
Consultations of AT travelers
This service allows persons residing abroad (Moroccans residing abroad, foreign tourists, members of the diplomatic or consular corps, etc.) temporarily residing in Morocco to consult the situation of temporary admission of their vehicle in Morocco.
Certificates of origin
It is an application which allows the customs of the partner countries to check the validity of the certificates of origin by introducing the reference of the single goods declaration (DUM) and the certificate number.
It is an application that allows customers, by introducing the reference of the receipt, to consult its details.
Service Catalogue
Collection of the main customs formalities to be completed classified by theme
Application for business leaders. It gives them an overview of their customs operations through a dashboard consisting of a set of indicators that inform them about their customs activity.
Bayyan Liya
Free mobile application made available to the Moroccan consumer to enable him to ensure that the products offered for sale are not contraband or counterfeit.
Online Application
This service allows the user to fill in his application for the competition to which he wishes to apply. The applicant enters all required information on a form. This service also allows managers to put a new competition online by feeding an interface, dedicated to this purpose.
Agreements and Conventions
This service informs customers about the specifics of each agreement or agreement and offers according to their needs, a range of precise information, namely, the legal and regulatory bases, the scope, the preferential treatment and conditions for granting preferences.
Tariff of customs duties
This service puts the tarif of customs duties online.
Customs and Indirect Taxes Regulations (RDII)
This service provides on-line information on the application of customs laws and regulations and the applicable procedures.
Broadcast list
This service allows a customer to subscribe to the mailing list by entering his email to follow the Customs news.
Request for information and complaints "Your requests"
This section allows visitors to make a request (information request or complaint) and to follow its processing.