Electoral campaign: CNDP Calls for Compliance with Law on Protection of Individuals Regarding Personal Data Processing

The National Commission for the Supervision of Personal Data Protection (CNDP) called, Thursday, on all parties to comply, during the election campaign, with the provisions of Law No. 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the immediate suspension of any processing not notified to its services.
In a statement, the CNDP recalled the principles of the "Deliberation No. 108-2015 of 14/07/2015 on the processing of personal data implemented by political parties, their unions or alliances, professional and trade union organizations, elected officials or candidates for elective office for the purpose of political communication", which provides for the obligation to notify the processing related to political communication to its services.
The National Commission sent letters on July 16, 2020 to political parties represented in Parliament, and on September 30, 2020 to the most representative trade unions, inviting them to meetings held at the headquarters of the CNDP from July 22, 2020, says the same source, noting that it was offered to entities that responded to this invitation, support for their compliance with the provisions of Law No 09-08.
In this period of electoral campaign, the CNDP has received a series of complaints about the use of text messages (SMS) by some political parties, as well as some publications on social networks and press articles related to this subject.
The CNDP announced, in this regard, the organization of control operations with the actors concerned by the processing related to political communication, concludes the statement.
MAP 02 September 2021